Program uspešno zaključi kdor:

  • aktivno sodeluje v programu (izdelava osebne zbirne mape),
  • izpolnjuje pogoj 80% proisotnosti na tečaju.

V programu se preverja in ocenjuje doseganje znanj, ki so opredeljena s programom. Preverjanje poteka sproti in skozi celotno trajanje programa (pisni izdelki, govorni nastopi, povzetki, samoevalvacija znanja, vmesni testi, napredek posameznika in njegovo sodelovanje). V ta namen udeleženec/ka tekom udeležbe v programu oblikuje osebno zbirno mapo, ki jo učitelj/ica oceni po zaključku začetnega modula in po zaključku nadaljevalnega modula.

Udeleženec po končanem programu prejme javno veljavno potrdilo o udeležbi.

Kdor izpolnjuje pogoj 80% prisotnosti na izobraževanju, lahko na pristojni upravni enoti zaprosi za potrdilo za brezplačno opravljanje Izpita iz znanja slovenščine na osnovni ravni (A1/B2).


For the successful conclusion you must:

  • actively participate in the program (creating a personal collection folder),
  • meet the requirement of 80% attendance at the course.

The program checks and evaluates the achivement of skills defined by the program. Verification takes place on the fly and throught the entire duration of the program (written products, oral presentations, summaries, self-evaluation of knowledge, mid-term tests). For this purpose, during participation in the program, the participant creates a personal collection folder, wich the teacher evaluates after completing the initial module and after completing the advanced module.

After completing the program, the participant receives a publicly valid certificate of participation.

Anyone who meets the condition of 80% attendance at the course can apply to the administrative unite for a certificate for taking the Slovenian language test at basic level (A1/B2) free of charge.

(Skupno 21 obiskov, današnjih obiskov 1)